
نموذج ارسال البريد

نموذج ارسال البريد من GentleSource يسمح هذا السكريبت عند اضافتك له في موقعك بمراسله زوار الموقع لك عن طريق هذا النموذج وارسالها الى بريدك الالكتروني دون رؤية الزوار لبريدك , ومن ثم تسجيل كل الرسائل المرسله كما يسمح لك السكريبت بالقيام بتعديل على عناصر النموذج , وكما يمكنك اظهار صفحة شكر خاصة بعد ارسال الرساله , او رؤيه المعلومات التي تم ادخالها في النموذج مرة اخرى وكما يحتوي على العديدي من المزايا التي تزيد من درجه الامان في الارسال
نموذج ارسال البريد


We have not yet translated all our scripts. If you're interested in translating one of the scripts in exchange for a free license, please send us an e-mail.

Comments Script


GentleSource Comments is a PHP script that can be included in existing websites and allows the visitors to leave comments on a page. The comments can be edited and deleted in the admin area.
Disposable E-mail Script

Disposable E-mail

GentleSource Disposable E-mail (Temporary E-mail) allows you to create a website that provides the users with disposable e-mail addresses which expire after a certain time.
File Download Script

File Download

GentleSource File Download can be used to provide files for download on your website. The script triggers the download dialogue so that visitors can choose to download the file instead of opening it in the browser.
Tell a Friend Script

Tell a Friend

GentleSource Tell a Friend (website recommendation) allows you to to let visitors recommend your website. The script includes several security features to prevent abuse by spammers.
Gallery Script


GentleSource Gallery is a PHP script that allows you to put an image gallery on your website. It automatically creates a gallery from a folder of images.
Guestbook Script


GentleSource Guestbook allows you to put a guestbook on your website. Your visitors can sign it and leave a message. The entries can be edited and deleted in the admin area.
Link Manager Script

Link Manager

GentleSource Link Manager can be used as link section of a website or a personal bookmark manager. You can publish your links for everyone to see or hide them behind a login.
News Script


GentleSource News allows you to write articles on your website. It features a WYSIWYG editor which makes writing an article easy and it supports search engine friendly URLs.
Poll & Voting

Poll & Voting

GentleSource Poll & Voting allows you to put votes and polls on your website. Your visitors select one option and click the submit button to vote.
Short URL Script

Short URL

GentleSource Short URL allows you to have a URL shortening service under your own domain. The script can create shorter URLs e-mails or microblogging platforms.